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January 30, 2008


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I know that feeling, I get a bit overwhelmed by the amount of projects and just all the "stuff'. Usually I just give stuff away and sort and repack and then i feel a bit refreshed.


i know what you mean. for me it works the best, to tidy up my desk and to have everything clear, and i don´t work on more than 2 projects. if i have more ideas, i finish the other projects, once i got ill, i found out that my life and day is to short for all my ideas in my head, but when i can finish a few it gives me a good feeling and i bless my heart and be save for my family. i donated my stuff, bought a longarmmaschine, a dream, take photos, and when i need something, i buy what i need and best quality, fresh new stuff makes the project more valuable.
hope you have a great day later and enjoy that you have great ideas.


Just like quilteva, I don't work on more than 2 projects at the time. I get overwhelmed and I panic if I have too many unfinished projects. That is why I keep a list of ideas (for the year) and I try to use the fabric/material that I already have at home. And there is nothing better than a good cleaning session!!! Good luck!


Good for you-cleaning up your stash. It is a necessary evil isn't it. I try to throw things into my quilt guild's scrap box often. That sort of helps me keep things to a minimum. It doesn't hurt that I have a vacation coming up, and taxes to pay and that has kept me from buying lately. So I have been trying inventive ways to use what I have. The problem is I start to use what I have and then I realize I need to buy something else to finish with what I have. Yikes!


if you want to get rid of some of it, i could *possibly* accommodate it ;)


I would happily take some of that stash off of your hands. I haven't built up the mega stash yet. I try to use what I have when I can.


it might be a little "nesting" sentiment you are feeling there. the need to declutter and dump right now might be those maternal insincts saying "get ready for baby". sometimes i just put things away for a while...hide stuff in the closet and take it out later (maybe months later) and find i am able to look at it differently.

good luck with it! i hope you are able to lighten your load whatever you end up doing there.


I feel your pain. My husband told me a few months ago that I had too much fabric. It must be too much for HIM to notice. Yet, I still find myself buying more. I guess my preferences change over time and I buy more to compensate for it.


I agree that I think you are probably just nesting. It's just way of getting ready for the baby and the upcoming changes in your life. Maybe clearing out will help easy your worries. If you really have that much fabric you probably won't miss it that much. I'm sure there are tons of people who'd love it(what crafter wouldn't?)Besides you can always replace it later if you want to. Clearing out is just another form of nesting. Most moms-to-be do it. I hope you feel better soon! Concentrate on the beautiful baby you're going to have soon. He'll be worth the wait! Besides becoming a mom is the most amazing experience you can have! It's scary, wonderful, overwhelming and absolutely incredible all at the same time. Nothing is better!

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