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March 30, 2008


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Thanks for the super tute! These look like lots of fun to make. The colours you chose look really pretty. They would make a lovely baby shower gift.


That was quick! Thanks. I went out and bought some diapers today. Definitely going to give this a try!


Great tutorial! My mom made me some of these recently...but it sounds like i'm going to need to make some more! Now I have the "how to" to make it happen! Thanks!


Thanks so much. I am really looking forward to getting some fabric in the week and making some of these. I think I'll also have a go at the bibs.


A new baby and all of this. You are incredible. Those would make fantastic baby gifts.


ohhh I'm going to make some of them this week!thank you for sharing and lucky you to use that fabulous machine.... the cloths will make a great project while my little one naps...also what a gorgeous baby finn you have which incidentally is our top boy name at the moment !!!



Thank you! I saw Sam's today - the Sam that commented above - and I am itching to make some too. They look lovely!


I just started sewing again this past weekend and I am so going to make these! My mom does them with decorative ribbons, but I have a favorite pair of flannel PJs that are destined for the rag bag and I am sure I can get at least a few burp cloths worth of fabric from them.

Marilyn Brown

So far this has been a blast! Thank you.

Linda Smeddy

I am interested in making the burp cloths they are too cute for my grand daughter could you tell me on how to make them. Thanks Happy Baby


I just bought some sweet fabric with deer and mushrooms that I wasn't sure what to do with. Now I know!

Linda Smeddy

i am having trouble getting the pattern for the burp cloths and bibs can anyone help me. really cute for baby gifts Thanks Joyce

Melissa G

Thank you for the great idea and pattern for the baby burp cloths and bibs! I made matching sets for a friend at work, and I plan to make more for my sister in law!


I am not sure where to get this pattern. Could you please let me know how I can download the pattern for the baby burp cloths. Thanks. PS I love the bibs, I made a whole bunch of them!


Under the picture the word tutorial can be clicked. It will take you to step-by-step instructions rather than a pattern. Hope that helps.


The tutorial link does not appear to be working. Anyone have a link that give the instructions?


Juliette Lanvers

I tried it and it work for me. Here it is for you to try again.



I am trying to get the tutorial for the burp pads and have been unsuccessful. I have tried the other suggestions. Help!


Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial! I made some to go in a baby gift. They were so easy and fun! :)




Thank you for the tutorial. It looks like a cute project and very simple to do. If you need any other cloth diaper products check out my site.

hormone imbalance

I love ..Thank you for the tutorial.

Cloth Diapers

i think this is amazing tutorials for every one i think it is always useful for a baby... thanks....


I love your pictures but I'm can't seem to find the instructions or patterns.
[email protected]


Very inspiring and quick to produce. Thanks for sharing!!!


Thank you very much for sharing this brilliant and practical tutorial! It was quick and easy to produce, the end result is just lovely.

Here are shots of what came out:


Thank you once again for the inspiration!

terry hughes

i can't find the patterns how do you get them

Cindy Krelle

Diaper Tutorial Please


I would love to get the pattern or see the video if still available on how to make the diaper burp clothes.
Thanks for your help.


i can't down load the pattern

חדרי תינוקות

Thanks for the information, I really appreciate you for such an guidence over new born baby diapers. I am looking forward to try this as soon as i can. It's really quick and easy:)

Gloria Cotten

I can't find the patter or directions but would really love to download them. I am planning a baby shower next month and would love to make some of these.

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