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August 30, 2010


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You are super cute! Funny but very true too. I love fall and hope this weather lasts for a while!


Thanks for the link! I always love new music for my iTunes. Those were some great songs. Also... that is a cute jacket. I have a 2 year old son that it would look adorable on too. Maybe I need to go shopping!


That is a beautiful rain coat so sunny and pretty. I love to have one for my daughter. That shirt is cute too. I love your taste and all the wonderful things you make. You have a beautiful mind and I love your blogs. It is very inspirational especially when I need to get motivated to sew and be creative. Thank you again.


Oh, the yellow raincoat and the striped shirt! Very 'breton' indeed! I, too, live far away from Brittany (though not as far as you do - Germany) and keep dressing my two-year-old in those 'marinières', out of sheer nostalgia... We never quite stop missing the sea, do we?

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